What Do You See When You Read?

Posted: August 28, 2014 in Uncategorized
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For anyone who has seen and read the Song of Ice and Fire series (better known as Game of Thrones) this is an interesting read. Personally I started reading the books after watching series 4 of the show and I found it useful, not limiting, that I could image a tangible representation of each character.

101 Books

This Slate article has been making the rounds recently, and it’s something we’ve talked about briefly here on 101 Books before.

That being, how do you imagine the characters in the novels you read?

Do you have a good sense of what they look like? Can you see them clearly in your head? Or is it more of a vague, kinda, sorta image that comes every time you read their name?

If you pick up on specific details the author writes, then you’ll have a decent sense of the character—but do most of us actually formulate images based on what’s written—or just how we want to imagine the character in our heads?

Specifically, for those of you who have read and watched The Lord of the Rings, how do you imagine those characters—and how did you imagine them BEFORE the movies were released?

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